Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Congratulation, My Friends.

BismiLlaahi Wal HamduliLlaah..

i just want to congratulate the committee for our Medical Student Family Day on previous weeked, 14 Dec 2008. Although we didn't completely play all the games as stated in the schedule due to the heavy rain, but we gain a lot of things actually from the programme.

The most important thing is, we get to know our senior medical students, although not all, but some is better then nothing. Kaedah dalam Islam, 'kalau tak boleh buat semua, jangan tinggal semua'. Kalau tak dapat kenal semua pun, dapat kenal beberapa orang pun kira dah berjaya lah. Mana boleh kenal semua dalam masa 2-3 jam main kan.

Last, thanks for our organizing committee, especially our sport & rec bureau and also other bureaus that had given their contribution to make this event success. Learn from any mistake.


Aizuddin said...

Entry untuk bowling xdeke?
Anta main dasyat!
baru 1st time ke?
Macam tak caya.
Hampir2 je jadi wakil batch.
Klau tak silap top10 tau.

abu 'iffah said...

japgi lah tulih pasal bowling..memang 1st time pun main,tak pernah sntuh pun bola bowling tu..entah mcmn,rase best and smooth je main..rezeki je dpt markah byk..(^-^)